Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday, Nov 5th, Barry C. Silk

Theme: None - well, slightly NY-ish

Words: 68

Blocks: 38

Another Saturday Silkie, with some brilliant cluing ~!! - I think Barry might be on to my regular blogging spot here on Saturdays, as he offers me two wonderful NY clues, in hockey no less;

19. New York team : SABRES - not fooled into thinking the team was from the 'city', these guys are from Buffalo, and do well every year - they were only recently "added" to the sports report down here. They play ice hockey in the....

7. 19-Across org. : NHL - National Hockey League, which has been doing some advertising lately, playing season opening games in Europe, and, since 2008, the annual "Winter Classic" on Jan 1st - this year my NY Rangers are playing at the Phillies ballpark, "rinked" over for an OUTDOOR game versus the Flyers, and if it's cold, dark and snowing, you get a "REAL" hockey game, like I used to play before dinner when I was a kid....ah the memories, right, eddyB?

What's your favorite team, Barry Silk ????


39. Flushing Meadows stadium : ASHE - which anagrams to my original guess, SHEA, where the Mets baseball team once played, and

42. Rocker Ramone : DEE-DEE - more New York, the band formed in Queens

definitely a cool-looking, labyrinth-like grid, with (oh well) 6 cheater squares this week - can you spot them? Four 11-letter words, Two 10's, Eight 8's, and Three 7's, and one grid-spanning 15;

32. Scapula mover : TRAPEZIUS MUSCLE - which I half-WAGed by putting in _ MUSCLE, because I knew the scapula was that bone there -

- well, actually I thought it was the clavicle, but I was on the anatomical wavelength....



1. Useful app for a smartphone : WIFI FINDER - over here on Lawn Guyland, the monopolistic cable company offers it free all over the place, so it's automatic for my phone

11. Meas. : AMT

14. Telephone booth, for Bill and Ted : TIME MACHINE - A clip for you~!

15. "What are you waiting for?!" : NOW

16. Programmer's bane : ENDLESS LOOP endlessloopendlessloopendlessloopendlessloop

17. 1996 Olympic torch lighter : ALI - some cool info on the Atlanta games

18. Organic chemistry topic : ENOL - Wiki says there's a "C=C" bond with adjacent alcohol; I never knew, C.C. ~!!!

21. "99 Luftballons" band : NENA - classic 80's piece of synth music; how would 20D react??

22. Completely flummoxed : LOST - not ASEA, but the next answer....

26. Marina Del Rey sight : YACHT - might be....

27. It may be renewable : RESOURCE

29. Informal voucher : CHIT

30. Attach, in a way : PIN ON

31. Scoville unit veggie : CHILI - I saw the Modern Marvels on "Hot & Spicy", and they mentioned the Scoville unit

37. Was charming? : HEXED - the 'spell' kind of charmed

38. Makes an effort : TRIES

40. Medevac conveniences : HELIPADS - I was thinking about those "crash card" paddles (and HeartRx, too) from all the medical shows, but uh, yeah, a place to land the helicopter IS pretty convenient, too....

44. Origami mishaps : TEARS - origami, the paper-folding art - I can make a cube with a sheet of paper

46. Baltic waterway : ODER - Map on the right side

47. Cut the crop : REAP - oh, so close to rude....

49. Automatic-door feature : SENSOR

51. Actress Campbell : NEVE - Campbell; I know her from "Scream"

52. Engage in a summer activity? : ADD - ah, summer as in "one who sums"

53. "Jeannie Out of the Bottle" memoirist : BARBARA EDEN - a great crossword name, with its consonant/vowel cadence

59. Do stuff? : GEL - for your up "DO", and these guys (always gotta add these guys)

60. Bond's Aston Martin had one : EJECTOR SEAT - one of the most successful Mythbusters projects, IMHO

61. Words of praise : ODE

62. Black Gold and Northern Dancer, e.g. : RACE HORSES


1. One with the gold : WINNER

2. "Ta-da!" : I'M DONE~!!!

3. Guys : FELLAS

4. "__ Mine": George Harrison book : I, ME, Mine - pick it up here

5. Musical fourths : FAs - DO, RE, ME, FA, SOL, LA, TI, DO

6. Suffix for sciences : ICS - Orthorunics, the science of Saturday blogs

8. "O __ Mio": Annette Funicello hit : DIO - you may link your songs now

9. Genesis name : ENOS - tho I was thinking about the band Genesis, with Phil, Mike, Tony and Pete, not featured in this song - Phil is doing the vocals

10. Honor a favor : REPAY

11. Lawless : ANARCHIC

12. Sign of a lawn infestation : MOLEHILL

13. Drawstring alternative : TWIST-TIE - on garbage bags

14. High school subject? : TEEN

20. Musical dynasty : BACHS

22. __ InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva: 2003-'10 Brazilian president : LUIZ

23. Bird: Prefix : ORNITHO

24. Left no stone unturned in : SCOURED - didn't we discuss ending on a preposition???

25. Like a bungee cord : TENSILE - GOD, I hope so ~!

28. Meghan Daum piece, e.g. : OP-ED

31. Astrological delineation : CUSP - my dad was born on April 20th, on the CUSP of Aries and Taurus

32. "We're on!" : THAT'S A GO

33. Tended some bald patches : RESEEDED

34. Fellers grasp it : AX HANDLE - love this clue, Fell-ERS, not 3D

35. Classmates : PEERS

36. Rabin's predecessor : MEIR - see yesterday's blog

41. "Gunsmoke" actor : ARNESS

43. File menu command : SAVE AS

45. Able to walk a straight line : SOBER - I have been able to walk that line for seven years come Jan 8th

48. Bottled (up) : PENT

50. Indian dignitary : RAJA

54. TiVo button : RECord - Early DVR device

55. Abbr. in old dates : BCE - becoming a popular 3-letter answer in CWs - "Common Era" - the Wiki on it

56. Greek airport, on itineraries : ATHens

57. Hundred Acre Wood denizen : ROO - alternative cluing to "Tigger's pal"

58. Sheet music abbr. : ARRangement

Answer grid.


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