Words: 68
Blocks: 30
Triple tens and triple nines make up the corners of today's challenge from two of our regular constructors; their last duet was on the fourth anniversary of this blog, back in January. One grid spanner -
35. Poet's liberty : ARTISTIC LICENSE
and two 12-letter entries -
27. "M*A*S*H" dramatic device : GALLOWS HUMOR - never heard of it, but then again, it does make sense when you create a comedy with the Korean War as your setting
42. Left nothing in the tank : WENT WHOLE HOG - I found this on the origins
1. Eugene O'Neill character? : APOSTROPHE - This " ' " character, in his name
11. Without gaps in coverage : A TO Z -
15. Orbital position nearest the sun : PERIHELION - I plan on watching the Neil Armstrong tribute on Science Channel tonight; they had "Moon Machines" on last night - I knew the LEM was made right around the corner from my house by Grumman
16. Capture, in a way : TAPE - Like this - it's quick~!
17. Commercial identifiers : TRADE NAMES
18. "The Tourist" author Steinhauer : OLEN - Not the Tourist I thought it was
19. Run like the wind, e.g. : SIMILE
20. More than equaling : UPPING
22. Strike setting : LANE - ah, bowling - Boomer knows....
23. Confused : AT SEA
26. Oldies syllable : SHA
30. Graphic designer's deg. : BFA - The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree
33. Spurious : FALSE
34. King Faisal's brother : SAUD
39. Passing remarks? : YEAS
40. "__ Plays Fats" (1955 jazz LP) : SATCH
41. R.I.'s Sheldon Whitehouse, e.g. : SENator
46. Brown, for one : IVY - the univeristy
47. Paul or Lloyd of Cooperstown : WANER - as always, I defer to our baseball fanatic, C.C.
48. Hebrew letter before shin : RESH - for those who care for a "cheater" link....
51. Mythical Aegean Sea dweller : NEREID
53. Short drop-off? : CAT-NAP
55. Farm hauler : DRAY
56. Not blown up : ACTUAL SIZE
60. Bone: Pref. : OSTE
61. Cleese role in "Monty Python's The Meaning of Life" : GRIM REAPER - see below
62. Work on a bed : WEED - like one's 14D. Zen Garden - shoulda used some Weed Stop©....oh, that's one of those 17A's
63. Picasso medium : OIL PASTELS
1. Complex gp. : APTS - apartment complex - nailed it
2. Thin ice, say : PERIL - now this is what I remember John Cleese for; @6:05
3. Slangy advertising suffix : O-RAMA - here on LI we have Sign-O-rama, and Windowrama - uh, well, that's not quite it....
4. Short stretch of track : SIDING - Railroad track, sometimes called a "spur"; I love to design model railroads, I just don't have any space to get to building one
5. Air Canada Centre team, informally : THE LEAFS - Toronto, of the NHL; we are now less than a month from pre-season - gets my 39A~!!!
6. Peace Nobelist Cassin : RENE
7. Ipanema greeting : OLA
8. Milne's "Mr. __ Passes By" : PIM - This mister missed this Tuesday's treasure
9. Earth mover : HOE
10. Results : ENSUES
11. Overlying : ATOP - A to P~??? No, wait atop, I get it....
12. Curse repellers : TALISMANS
13. Realtor's come-on : OPEN HOUSE
14. Where gravel may represent water : ZEN GARDEN
21. Tuba note : PAH - the other note it can play is Oom....
23. NASCAR Hall of Famer Bobby : ALLISON
24. How most maps are drawn : TO SCALE - or AutoCAD drawings
25. Bake : SWELTER
28. Map coordinate: Abbr. : LATitiude
29. Exhaust : USE
30. Balcony alternative : BAY WINDOW - I could spend all morning looking at cool structures for such a construction, but I stopped at this one
31. Like playing tennis with the net down, to Robert Frost : FREE VERSE - I was not sure exactly what this meant, so I went Wiki-ing
32. "Be that as it may ..." : "AT ANY RATE..."
36. Novel conclusion? : IST - novelIST
37. Frankfurter's pronoun : ICH - seen below in the title
38. Bach hymn arrangements : CHORALES - interesting take on a musical visual....
43. Four-yr. conflict : WWI - World War One, the "Great War", and the "War to End All Wars" - if only....
44. Tried it : HAD A GO
45. Doesn't quite reveal : GETS AT
49. Marsh bird : SNIPE
50. Light golden brown : HAZEL - followed by....
52. Watched : EYED
53. "Flashdance... What a Feeling" lyricist : CARA - we usually see IRENE in puzzles. Earworm~!
54. Head of a PIN?: Abbr. : PERSonal Identification Number - great clue/answer~!
57. Dernier __ : CRI
58. Shop sign word after open, maybe : TIL - "Open til midnight or later", e.g.
59. One stationed at a base : UMP - how fitting, to close with a baseball clue for our host - thanks for the great NY Rangers find, C.C.~!
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