Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wednesday, Oct 16th, 2024, Rebecca Goldstein


Today's construction from RG was not a great one for me - I find the theme answers to be vaguely tied to the reveal at best, and we had a handful of names again, one of which was an 'ingredient' in the recipe for my disaster.  20 TLWs and 24 four-letter words, but we get a reprieve from circles, at least.  Sadly, I 49A. "flubbed" the middle left of the grid today, so I have to admit to cheating; though in hindsight, I shoulda known - maybe that's why I am not a fan of this puzzle.  The Themers;

16. Fruit given to Snow White by the Evil Queen: POISON APPLE

21. Rabble-rouser: BAD EGG

He's been "sEGGregated"

26. Youthful rebelliousness: WILD OATS - I missed my error here - I had Wild Rats, the "R" from DRS, which didn't jibe, and then a Wild Cats "C", which made no sense at all in the Down

45. Unrefined petroleum: CRUDE OIL

I cave in and put gas in my Prius once every six weeks

50. With 58-Across, conditions likely to lead to catastrophe, or what 16-, 21-, 26-, and 45-Across are ingredients for?: RECIPE - AND - 58A. See 50-Across: FOR DISASTER - with these "four" ingredients, I think you end up with a McDonald's Apple Pie

And Away We Go~!


1. Rapid transit vehicles?: RAFTS - Rapid(s) as in white water, and "rafting" upon them

6. "Dancing Queen" quartet: ABBA - CrossWord Staple, still a name - #1

10. Weep loudly: SOB

13. Introverted, maybe: ALOOF - I am definitely introverted

14. Watering can part: SPOUT

15. Actress Thurman: UMA - CWS, still a name - #2

18. Write: PEN

19. Bombard, as with snowballs: PELT

20. Cribside coos: AWS - Meh.  I would have preferred "Amazon Web Services" for this clue; plus, it's usually AWW in crosswords

23. Tosses in: ADDS - AND - 34A. Much of magazines: ADS - meh on the semi-dupe

25. Turkish dough: LIRAS

 $1 US = 34.31 Lira

30. __ party: sudsy celebration: FOAM - I am not familiar with this "type" of party, but it makes sense - I stopped drinking (beer) 20yrs ago, and essentially stopped partying the same time as well. . . . Sigh

31. Literature Nobel laureate Bashevis Singer: ISAAC - No clue, waited on perps, and that didn't help either - note my little black triangles in the cel corners in the grid below; I just could not be bothered to think about finding the answers - just cheat and reveal the letters. . . . AND name - #3

32. Off-balance: ATILT

AWW, cute

37. Put down: DISS - Meh.  Usually has just one "S", as in DISrespect

38. Comrade: CRONY

39. First Nations people of Canada: CREE - had the last "E", but it's not OTOE - CWS and name #4

40. Rough no.: ESTimate

41. Hits upon the answer: HAS IT

42. Relaxed: CHILL

43. Look to be: SEEM

47. Gush with naches: KVELL - All I can say about seeing this in a Wednesday crossword is "What?!?"  21st century-speak for spewing pride.  P.S. naches is also the rump of a cow, and one might say I am leaning towards that definition in context. . . .

49. Flubs: ERRS

52. Prefix with -logue: EPI - epilogue, the wrapping up,  "last chapter", in a novel - this does SEEM to be trying too hard to avoid being the 'usual' crossword clue/answer. e.g. Epi Pen

53. Fries or tots: SIDE

57. Latin for "I": EGO

61. End of many superhero names: MAN  - let me count the ways. . . .

62. Reversed: UNDID - I am truly grateful for the "UNDO" button on several pieces of software, including the Blogger

63. Home of the KaabaMECCA - no clue, but I had M_C_A, #5

64. Come to a close: END

65. Future AG's exam: LSAT

66. Oldest of the Three Musketeers: ATHOS - name #6


1. Reneé of "Mean Girls": RAPP - no clue, name - #7 - her IMDb

2. Succulent genus: ALOE - A shout-out to Hahtoolah

3. Wrap for leftovers: FOIL  - SARAN didn't fit

4. Open-faced dishes with crispy tortillas: TOSTADAS - my last fill, and I toyed with the last vowel - "A" or "O"~? even tho I knew it was an A

5. Hub across the Bay from OAK: SFO - San Francisco airport code; my closest airport code is BDL

6. Starters, casually: APPS - APPetizerS, trying again to NOT be typical, but it just doesn't work on Wed, IMHO

7. Danceable song: BOP - we (I) just learned this last Friday

8. Glowing object on a marquee: BULB - Meh.  IN a marquee seems better

9. Went back for thirds, maybe: ATE A LOT - Ugh.  I don't care for ALOT in puzzles to begin with

10. Nintendo platform game series: SUPER MARIO

11. Seamaster watchmaker: OMEGA - it was either this or ROLEX, as Audemars Piguet doesn't fit - I was a CAD designer for their Southampton store, which required bullet-proof glass - their most expensive piece is $430K, almost twice the cost of my house

NOTE: the website selling this watch is
offering $100 off your first order - ooh, good deal~!

12. Fringe on some foreheads: BANGS - A shout-out to our host C.C.

She likes the BANGS in this picture

14. Reacted to something striking?: SAW STARS

17. Absolutely nothing: NADA

22. San José day: DIA - Spanish lesson

24. OB or GYN: DOCtor - I knew DRS (plural) didn't match with the "or" in the clue

26. Broad: WIDE

27. Egyptian goddess: ISIS - name, #7

28. Stressful time for a procrastinator: LAST SECOND

29. Showing no fear, maybe: STOIC

30. Wing it?: FLY

33. Boldly brave: INTREPID - and then we have great fill like this

35. Market with a pickle barrel: DELI - Um, OK - when I did an internet search, I expected to find A LOT of B&W images, but no

36. Move merchandise: SELL

38. Laptop lens: CAMera - I have one at work for Teams meetings

39. Drawing board?: CHESS SET - a "draw" in chess is rare, but not unheard of; I plan to make a table for my living room with a chess board in the center

41. Advantageous: HELPFUL

42. Sr. officer: CDR - commander; I happen to know it's the abbr. for these, too

44. Nickname that drops -jah: ELI - again, trying to NOT be the typical "Yale" clue/answer

46. Novelist Leon: URIS - name #8

47. Krispy __: KREME - Mmmm, Donuts. . . . 

48. Plant-based: VEGAN - Do donuts count~?  I mean, the sugar comes from a plant, right~?

51. Many millennia: EONS - or AGES~?

52. Resolve a tense disagreement?: EDIT - correcting verb tenses - clever

54. Burning desire: ITCH - I have a "burning desire" in the form of poison ivy (oak, sumac) all over my arms from the yard work I did two weeks ago.  Yay.

55. Miami Beach style: DECO - Had something similar yesterday

56. Distinct periods: ERAS - is it going to be ERAS or AGES~?

59. Dietary amt.: RDA - Recommended Daily Allowance - my Daily Allowance these days is totally UN-recommended; I need to stop eating and start exercising - this is my New Year's Resolution

60. 24-Down's org.: AMA - American Medical Association


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