Saturday, January 16, 2016

Saturday, Jan 16th, 2016, Alan Olschwang

Theme: None (1/16/16)

Words: 70 (missing F,K,Q,X)

Blocks: 28

  I didn't like the look of this grid right away, and my first pass revealed very little in the way of answers, and even then half of them were not correct.  However, on the DOWN pass, ZZ Top was the breakout point for me, and then POPE MOBILE was a huge help as well.  Still got bogged down in the SE, and ultimately caved in to red-letters.  Oh well, that's the thing with Mr. Olschwang - I looked over his previous Saturday offerings, and I see that I did not fare well with any of them.  Triple 10's in a pinwheel pattern, and even though that leaves a lot of 4-letter words, I had some 4-letter words of my own....

15. Last Tudor monarch : ELIZABETH I - completely forgot about the possibility of a queen; I filled in EDWARD VIII, but that's 20th century and the House of Windsor; my English parents would not be happy....

12. Head out on the trail : MOSEY ALONG - got it because I frequently use the word "mosey"

25. St. Peter's Square wheels : POPEMOBILE - the Wiki

61. Screen holders : STORM DOORS - makes me think of this album cover; very pretty



1. Showy display : RAZZMATAZZ - Z Z Z Z s

11. 2010 CFDA Fashion Icon Award recipient : IMAN - I had I--N, so it was a good WAG; ironic to see her name in a puzzle after the passing of David Bowie; they had a 'miracle baby' Alexandria

16. Chess action : MOVE - dah~!  Not MatE, but that was 100% 50% correct

17. Wine seller : BOTTLE SHOP - sommelier was too short

18. "__ Death": Grieg work : ASE'S - the music of Peer Gynt

19. One standing at a counter : STOOL - clever, I like it

20. Assisting in the kitchen? : SOUS - Dah~! My first thought, but then I hesitated

21. Fröbe of "Goldfinger" : GERT - one of the better lines from James Bond

"No, Mr. Bond..."

22. Trepidation cause : PERIL - makes me think of the peril being "too perilous" from Monty Python

24. Qatari currency : RIYAL

25. Influential D.C. group : PAC - thought it, hesitated

28. Even : TIE - think verb, not adjective; the Rangers are looking to "TIE" the score

29. Cargo capacity : TONNAGE

31. Player in a pit : OBOIST - again, I hesitated

33. Walking on the beach, maybe : SANDALED - meh.  I get it, but meh.

34. Showy display : POMP

35. '70s-'90s Angola neighbor : ZAIRE

37. Color in a Spanish sunset : ROJO - that would be "red" in an English one

38. Delegates : EMPOWERS

40. "Wait just a darn minute!" : "HEY NOW~!"

42. Most temperate : MILDEST

43. Angle: Abbr. : P.O.V. - again, clever.  Point Of View

44. Mil. title : GENeral

45. Cat-tails bridge? : O' NINE - cat o' nine tails

46. Surprise at the door : POP IN

48. B'way Joe's alma mater : 'BAMA - I prefer women in pantyhose (here's the classic Joe Namath pantyhose spot)

49. Old apple spray : ALAR

51. One of two for Linus Pauling : NOBEL - OK, I cheated; I remembered the name, but not what for; and even when I looked, I don't recall why I knew the name - his Wiki

55. The Santa Monica Fwy. is part of it : I-TEN - got it, tho it was "I-ONE" first, and technically, it's US-1

56. Trading category : MOST ACTIVE - most - ly perps

58. Paar's successor's successor : LENO - one of the few I nailed

59. Borders : OUTER EDGES - I tried PAPer edges first - Bzzzzt

60. Arrival times, usually: Abbr. : ESTs


1. Stonewallers? : REBS - Rebels, the South in the Civil War - didn't get it; I just noticed the answer appeared thru perps while writing up the blog

2. Plenty : A LOT

3. 2002 A.L. Cy Young Award winner Barry : ZITO - C.C. might know more

4. Band with the Diamond album "Eliminator" : ZZ TOP - a blues trio at heart, this album, with the addition of some synthesizers - and some racy MTV clips - put them in the popular spotlight

5. Croquet clubs : MALLETS

6. Japanese prime minister since 2012 : ABE - Shinzō - the Wiki

7. Singer/actress O'Shea : TESSIE - perps and WAG

8. Dramatist Fugard : ATHOL - perps and WAG

9. Mao contemporary : ZHOU - hey, perps and WAG~!

10. Compresses, in a way : ZIPS - computer compression, zip files

11. Unreal : IMAGINARY - I had IMATERIAL, and yes, because it was in the down, I missed the missing "M"

13. Man on the street : AVERAGE JOE - very proud of trying this WAG out

14. Get cozy at bedtime : NESTLE DOWN - weak; I can think of a better way to clue it, even on a Saturday

23. Classes (up) : RITZES

24. Bout div. : RND - round.  eh.

26. Much more than dislikes : ABOMINATES

27. Paid item : COMPLIMENT

29. Apron covering : TAR - my drafting/construction background led me to guess that this was the curb apron, or 'easement', and I've rarely seen them paved in asphalt

30. Like many an easy grounder : ONE-HOP - baseball

32. Gadgets originally available only in black or white : iPOD NANOS - an answer last Sunday, too, in the singular

33. Household nickname : SIS - mom, dad, sis, bro....?

36. __ nouveau : ART

39. Little piggy's word : WEE - not gonna go with the Geico commercial

41. Made manifest : EVINCED - dah~!  Not EMERGED

43. Stout relative : PORTER

46. Milano meal : PASTO - got caught up thinking MANGIA, which wouldn't fit

47. Skip : NOT DO - clever; e.g.   I would like to "not do" this step

49. Isaiah contemporary : AMOS - no clue; I thought maybe this was referring to basketball stars, but in fact they're prophets - and it seems like things don't change; here's the Wiki on AMOS, and I see he had similar issues in his time (yes, I didn't win the Poweball)

50. Awkward sort : LOUT

52. North American tire franchise : BIG O - not in my area

53. In any case : EVER

54. What to eat to lose weight? : LESS - I tried LITE first

57. Slots feature : ARM - dang~!  Not BAR


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