Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday, May 5th, 2012, Doug Peterson

Theme: None

Words: 70

Blocks: 28

    Plenty of 63D. "D'oh~!" moments for me today. A pleasant offering from Mr. Peterson; lots of clues that made me think, plus a few write-overs. A good-looking grid with triple 9's in the across, triple 8's in the down, and two 'cheater squares' to add to this week's 'blogversation'. Two 12-letter spanners that are 24D., 'hardly easy' to fit;

33. Evidentiary home movie studied by the Warren Commission : ZAPRUDER FILM - Abraham Zapruder, the man who captured the assassination of President John F. Kennedy with his home-movie camera in Dallas, Nov. 22nd, 1963.  Seed entry?

41. Programs for quick studies : CRASH COURSES - first "D'oh" moment for me - stared at this one for too long.

On - WARD~!


1. St. Basil's Cathedral locale : RED SQUARE - my next "D'oh" moment, as I was thinking "Basil" is a British Isles kind of name - yet I know this place...

10. "Whereupon ..." : AND SO...

15. What Henry taught Eliza : ELOCUTION - "My Fair Lady", "Pygmalion"

16. Diner choice : BOOTH

17. Rash : HOT-HEADED

18. Did stable work : SHOED - MUCKED didn't fit

19. Heaps : A PILE - meh, I had "PILES", and it wasn't working out

20. Forever, it seems : AGES - Not "EONS"

22. Arctic explorer John : RAE

23. Good-hearted : BENIGN

25. Building with a dome : ROTUNDA - CAPITOL fit, and it has both a DOME and a ROTUNDA, but....

28. Snorkel, e.g.: Abbr. : SGT - Crossword regular, Sergeant

29. Shell mover : OAR - another "D'oh" moment, was stuck on 'shell game', and considered "rat" as the answer....but we're looking for this

32. Angora goat fabric : MOHAIR - and another "D'oh" moment, as I was trying to "59A." Cashmere, Kashmir, and Kasmir in there....

36. Short-term funding source : ATM - Fresher clue for this old answer

39. Site of regular slopping : PIG FARM - ah, you guessed it, I wanted PIG STY, needed another letter....

40. Soap component : LYE

44. Hoodwink : TAKE IN - Like in a Shell Game

45. Catch on : SEE

46. AMEX, e.g. : MKT - stock exchange 'market'; a learning moment for me

49. Indulged in to excess : OVERDID - yep, I overdid the beer (1D.)

51. Aglow in the gloaming : TWILIT - such eloquence, pronounced "TWY-lit", and yet the word looks like an insult - "you Twilit~!!!"

54. Morass : FEN - I tried MUD first, seemed sensible

55. Michael of "Juno" : CERA

58. Colleague of Clarence and Ruth : ELENA - Supreme Court justices; is this 'annotated'~??

59. Squeeze : WRING - yeah, I get it, but I think of these "compressions" as being different from each other....

62. Target for some keglers : CANDLEPIN - a kegler, from German "to bowl", is a perfect score of 300 in American bowling, or 12 straight strikes - isn't Boomer a bowler ???

64. Dandy's accessory : ASCOT

65. Like many bibliographies : ANNOTATED

66. Bagpipes and saxes : REEDS - not HORNS or WINDS

67. Overdrawn account? : FISH STORY - well said~!


1. Recovery locale : REHAB - been there, done that....

2. Gets together quietly? : ELOPES

3. Prone to spoiling : DOTING - grandparents, not grapes

4. "The beer that made Milwaukee famous" : SCHLITZ - despite my 1D. stay, I never actually had Schlitz, go figure

5. Wouk captain : QUEEG - The Wiki, for those who would like to see more

6. First name in acting instruction : UTA

7. "O patria mia" singer : AIDA

8. "Walkabout" director Nicolas : ROEG - one of those "constructor friendly" names

9. Rear-__ : ENDER

10. Chiseled muscles : ABs

11. Masked drama : NOH - Japanese theatre

12. Epitome of deadness : DOORNAIL - Dead Horse wouldn't work here

13. With regularity : STEADILY

14. "My heavens!" : OH DEAR ME

21. Cheddar's county : SOMERSET - Today's map

24. Hardly easy : NO PICNIC

26. Self-titled jazz vocal album of 1958 : TORME

27. Old dial letters : UHF - TV dial, remember those?

30. Castor and Pollux sailed on it : ARGO

31. Chaka Khan's old group : RUFUS - I do not remember "Rufus"; I grew up with Chaka, and this song

34. Plant pest : APHID

35. Provoke : DARE

36. Pearl Harbor attack, e.g. : ACT OF WAR

37. Pass over : TRAVERSE

38. Act friendly : MAKE NICE

42. Source of Sun. light? : SERmon, Sunday preachings, I liked this one

43. Flirt with, in a way : SMILE AT - oh, I was smiling at the sweetie who interviewed me on Wednesday, I can tell you ~!!

47. Pick-up artist? : KLEPTOmaniac, a thief; one who uses the "five-finger discount"

48. More minuscule : TINIER

50. Joltless joe? : DECAF - none for me, thanks, I like my coffee with kick

52. Painful paintball mementos : WELTS - and HOW~!! Stings like a mo***f'er

53. Early personal computer maker : TANDY

56. Mumbai royal : RANI

57. Journalists Compton and Curry : ANNs

60. Show boredom : NOD - needs "off" to make more sense, really

61. Alfa Romeo sports cars : GTs - This is the 8c, but it's beautiful

63. Head-slapper's cry : "D'oh~!" - Homer Simpson, and his now dictionary-worthy expression

Now go out and have your tequila with salt, and your Coronas with lime - do one for me

Cinco De Mayo ~!!!


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