Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday, Sep 17th, Tom Heilman

Theme: None

Words: 72

Blocks: 30

Good day to you all~! Our last from Mr. Heilman included the word "pasquinade", and our latest offering is a tough one that I could not finish in my personally allotted time frame - and I needed some red-letter help in the SE.   Four triple-stacks of sevens in each corner, and a grid-spanner that took a long time to parse:

36A. Beyond unethical : MORALLY BANKRUPT

- but enough entries for WAG-ing, so as to "bend" the brain without breaking it...



1. Make even, in a way : JUSTIFY

8. Key rings? : JANGLES - Once the "J" from Jibes came up, I found this to be cute - rings as in the sound

15. More than concerned : ALARMED - makes me think of this movie scene quote

16. When forging started : IRON AGE - pretty obvious, no?

17. Juntas, e.g. : REGIMES - a WAG, but it was lurking there in the grey matter

18. Discarded storage technology : BETA-MAX - Sony's alternative to VHS, and "the" format when I worked on the TV movie back in the late '90's

19. Consider necessary : SEE FIT - I had DEEM AS to start

20. Round seed : PEA - tried NUT first

21. Blew, so to speak : WENT - oh, uh, as in "blew out of here", right

22. Moving experience? : EXODUS - needed the "X" to get it

24. Fine-grained soil : LOESS - more from Wiki; can you have Feet of Loess? (6D.)

25. Othello game piece : DISC - Yeah, I guess; I was trying too hard, and thought "OREO" would work - see here (OK, half an Oreo....)

28. Corpulent : FAT - such a polite way to say someone is obese

29. Unfavorably influence : JINX - I got JINXED last night on a carpentry job

30. PIN holder's record : ACCT - well, PIN is abbr. for "Personal Identification Number", so ACCT is OK, but see 35D.

31. Make fit : CRAM IN

33. Suffix with nanny : CAM - nanny-cam, for spying on your kid's babysitter

39. "Bambi" character : ENA - Bambi's aunt, and I gotta say, never saw the whole movie, still

40. Wire function : BALING - I used this when I worked in the supermarket, in the back room at the cardboard compactor - I actually enjoyed the task

41. Man cave channel of choice : ESPN - Entertainment and Sports Programming Network - the E part allows them to show poker, billiards, etc.

42. Wile : PLOY

44. __ vindice: Confederacy motto : DEO

45. Parker who played Daniel Boone : FESS - too '50's for me; this guy

46. Underlying values : ETHOS - WAGed it

48. Like protozoa : MOTILE - Def: biol. - 'capable of moving spontaneously'

50. Has a turn : GOES

51. Improved one's record : WON

52. Akkadian king who conquered Mesopotamia : SARGON - does anyone watch "Ancient Aliens" ? - This guy sounds like he could be in the next episode....

56. Kitchen tools : GRATERS - had to wait for a few crossers first

58. "Olly olly oxen free!" : IT'S SAFE - well, I knew it was a kid's game; this I found interesting

59. Dominions : EMPIRES

60. Mess up, as a punch line : MISTIME - have you ever tried to "pass on" a joke, then heard that same person garble it completely ???

61. Lot : DESTINY - C-3PO quote in Star Wars, ep. IV

62. Slid (over) : SCOOTED


1. Makes shake : JARS - A tough puzzle JARS my brain

2. Fonda role : ULEE - This movie

3. Ranch brush : SAGE

4. Long-odds bet : TRIFECTA

5. Amalgamate : IMMIX - seen it before, this time, I put it right in (after having the MM)

6. Character flaw : FEET OF CLAY - A reference here; also a book by Terry Pratchett; funny, but the TV movie I worked on was about a Golem, a man made of clay....

7. Meas. of some field losses or gains : YDs - yards in football

8. Sailing maneuvers : JIBES - sudden shift from one side (of the course) to the other

9. Code word? : AREA - Area Code, a bit meh

10. "Psych!" : NOT~!!!

11. Eat at, as one's conscience : GNAW ON

12. Classroom response, at times : LAME EXCUSE - not really a 'response', but I get it

13. Pulitzer-winning writers Timothy and Jennifer : EGANS

14. Times of prayer in the Divine Office : SEXTS - I did not know this - but I am not Catholic

20. Tried to buy at auction : PUT A BID ON

23. She played Elle in "Kill Bill" : DARYL - the one-eyed nemesis of Uma's character Beatrix; typical Tarrantino, but I liked it

24. Online convenience : LINK

25. Pulp figure : DAME

26. Tiny paper clip, e.g. : ICON

27. Settings for "Junkyard Wars" : SCRAP HEAPS - fun show, where two teams would go into a junk yard to find bits for making odd vehicles and such, including boats, racing cars, garbage collectors, and my favorite episode, the "dragon" wrecker.

29. Loyal to a fault : JINGOISTIC - from the noun "Jingo", a person who announces loudly his or her patriotism

32. Zola portraitist : MANET - Image

34. Droid downloads : APPS

35. Chain letters? : MTNS - I'll let it slide, but there's no hint at an abbreviation

37. NYSE deals : LBOs - Leveraged Buy Outs - unpleasant, I believe

38. Cites : REFERS TO

43. Flipped : LOST IT

46. Vandalized, in a way : EGGED - Halloween prank

47. "Chestnuts roasting ..." co-writer : TORME - Mel, the "Velvet Fog"

48. Like some forest ground : MOSSY

49. Neck line? : LASSO - if you're a steer

51. Cactus __: state bird of Arizona : WREN

53. Canter, for one : GAIT

54. "Memories __": Billy Crystal film : OF ME - This movie; didn't know it or see it

55. Requisite : NEED

57. "__ tu che macchiavi quell'anima": Verdi lyric : ERI

58. Uses Trillian, briefly : IMs - I knew of the character from Hitchhiker's Guide, but not this software

I'm on vacaTION (tiss) ~!

I'm on vacaTION (boom)~!

I'm on vacation~!.....


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