Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Wednesday, Jan 1st, 2025 ~ Jay Silverman
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Wed, Dec. 25th, 2024 ~ Samantha Podos Nowak
17. Work space?: ART GALLERY - "Works" of art HANG in a gallery
25. Brew house?: COFFEE SHOP - "Friends" characters would HANG at "Central Perk"
49. TV station?: FAMILY ROOM - watch cartoons and HANG out in the den
36. "Don't give up," and a suggestion that can apply to 17-, 25-, 49-, and 59 Across?:
HANG IN THERE - Luke says, "Leia, hear me~!"
And Away We Go~!
6. Exam for HS jrs.: PSAT - the practice SAT
10. Classic road trip game: "I SPY" - "I spy" something in red - Ho-Ho-Ho~!
16. Readily available: NEAR
19. Ballpark figures?: FANS - no "abbr", therefore no "ESTS", etc., so I waited
20. Harden, as glue: SET
21. Fancy fete: GALA
22. Sneeze inducer: DUST
23. Like a giant redwood: TALL
34. Bugs: NAGS
35. Account exec: REP
39. Big name in pasta sauce: RAO - never heard of this brand; these onions are getting around....
41. Inlet: COVE
42. Chinese menu general: TSO - It's my go-to when I order Chinese - no onions, though
43. Interlace: ENTWINE
45. Where the heart is?: TORSO - um, yeah
53. Tarot reader: SEER
54. Blue or red part of 3D glasses: LENS - reminds me of this secondary character ↙
55. Salon sound: SNIP
57. "Lover" or "Red," for Taylor Swift: ERA
58. Reddish-brown horse: ROAN
62. Jamaican citrus fruit: UGLI
63. Seltzer starter: ALKA - plop-plop, fizz-fizz . . . .
64. Dunne of "Love Affair": IRENE
66. Tide type: NEAP
67. Abated: EASED
1. Moves effortlessly: COASTS - SLIDES, GLIDES~? Bzzzt.
2. "That's wild!": "UNREAL~!"
3. Itty-bitty: LITTLE - I was expecting something like "TEENSY"
4. Fireplace fuel: LOG - Ah. Not "GAS"
5. Fly in the ointment: SNAG
6. __ al ajillo: Spanish chicken dish: POLLO - a recipe, if you care
8. Pool float filler: AIR
9. Item on a tot's Christmas list: TOY - but you'll get coal if you're naughty
10. Make chili oil, perhaps: INFUSE - I had to find out more - the Wiki
11. Sandcastle building site: SEASHORE
13. Decade divs.: YRs
18. Body of water in the French Alps: LAC - Frawnche for "lake"
24. Olin of "Chocolat": LENA
26. No longer fizzy: FLAT - I can drink flat soda, but flat seltzer is just "weird water"
27. Two-by-four?: EIGHT - literally, 2x4 = 8
28. Zest: PEP
30. Golf course freebies: PENCILS - Mulligans didn't fit . . . .
33. "The __ and the Ecstasy": novel about Michelangelo: AGONY - Goodreads link
34. 180º from SSW: NNE
36. Soup kitchen offerings: HOT MEALS
37. Indie folk artist Bon __: IVER - no clue, 3 of 4 letters filled via perps, and the "V" was my last entry; the Wiki
38. Oz hoppers: ROOS - Kanga - roos - Oz = Australia
39. Make calls on the court: REF
40. Explanatory tool: ANALOGY - Kissing her was like a garbage truck getting hit by an onion train. The onions again.
44. Danica's role on "The Wonder Years": WINNIE
46. __ Peanut Butter Cups: REESE'S - I loves me some PB & chocolate - I bought the "trees"
47. Like a meditation spot, hopefully: SERENE - ah. Not "SILENT", but I was 50% correct
48. Stumped: ORATED - Ah. That kind of stumped
50. Japanese port city: OSAKA - good WAG on my part: WAG = Wild A** Guess
51. Readily available: ON TAP - Samantha had this answer in her first puzzle
52. Karaoke need: MICrophone - and a little nerve, or liquid confidence
56. Basic barre bend: PLIÉ
58. Manage: RUN
59. __-do attitude: CAN
60. Cheer after un gol: OLÉ
61. Rita featured on DJ Fresh's "Hot Right Now": ORA - note the headline
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Wednesday, Dec 18th, 2024 ~ Daniel Hrynick
10. Deliberate loss: DIVE - TANK did not fit with my DOWNS
14. Workforce addition: HIRE - usually with "new"
15. New __, India: DELHI
16. Gulf States title: EMIR
17. Actor Idris: ELBA - name #1, but we see it all the time
18. City in Provence: ARLES
23. "Tiny Bubbles" singer: DON HO - we had this recently; name #2
25. Scepter companion: ORB - The Crown Jewels of the UK - more here
26. Under-the-sink piece: P-TRAP
33. Fitting: APT
36. Fossil-preserving spots: TAR PITS
38. Fast-__ restaurant: CASUAL - never heard of this; filled via perps
39. Shaped: MOLDED - I had FORMED first
44. NNW opposite: SSE
45. Tempe sch.: ASU - Arizona State University
46. Automated spammer: 'BOT
52. "Pokémon" protagonist Ketchum: ASH - no clue; the "S" was my last fill; name #455. "Mangia!": "EAT~!"
56. Newcastle Brown __: ALE
57. Shearing day sound: BAA
64. Code with dits and dahs: MORSE
65. "The Batman" actress Kravitz: ZOE - Daughter of Lenny Kravitz & Lisa Bonet; name #5
66. Barista canvas: LATTE - canvas as in the "art" in the cream/froth atop an espresso
68. Stop: END
69. Pollinators that can see in the ultraviolet spectrum: BEES
1. Feminine pronoun: SHE -or "HER"~? I do the DOWNS first, but I WAGed correctly
2. Feel rotten: AIL
3. Green spot in a concrete jungle: URBAN OASIS * - I see this is an HGTV show, too
4. Obedience school item: LEASH - I'm going to need me some dog food & supplies soon
6. Digs into new digs, say: REROOTS - not MOVES IN
7. Magnetic power: ALLURE - my buddy Adam owns a restaurant of this name, sorta
8. Frozen dessert: SHERBET - I read this as DESERT, and TUNDRA did not fit . . . .
9. Radiator sound: HISS - my house has baseboards, but they still "radiate" - much preferred over the forced-air system in my parents house
10. Gave a hand: DEALT - not AIDED -- a "hand" as in a poker game. Very clever
11. "Sorry, but it's true": "I'M AFRAID SO." - two of the last three clues fooled me~? I'm afraid so. . . .
12. Passing through: VIA
13. Hosp. triage units: ERs
21. Alaskan bear: KODIAK
22. Filmmaker Nora: EPHRON - I am sure you've seen at least ONE of her movies - her IMDb; name #6
23. __ jockey: DISC
24. Academy honors: OSCARS - I had the wrong academy in mind - see below, 37D.
27. Subj.-specific exam for the college-bound: AP TEST - Advanced Placement - I took the classes, but only one of the tests
31. Count (on): RELY
32. Roman of "The Ms. Pat Show": TAMI - no idea; filled via perps; her IMDb; name #7
35. Sly tactics: RUSES
37. Academy cadet: PLEBE
41. Christen: BAPTIZE
42. Play for a pawn: USE
43. Decongestant brand: SUDAFED
48. Palmer of "Nope": KEKE - also no clue, her Wiki; name #8
49. "Woo-hoo!": "YAY~!"
50. __ mode: À LA
51. Bluffer's giveaway: TELL - more poker
52. Cash dispensers: ATMs
53. Wave away: "SHOO~!"
54. Foot-long sandwich: HERO - I just had one for the first time in a looong time for lunch Friday
57. Orthodontist's instruction: BITE - yeah. but meh.
58. Poker game starter: ANTE - and yet more poker
59. Range listed on board games: AGES - ah; did not make sense until it filled in
61. Tax form ID: SSN - Social Security Number
63. Bunsen burner setting: LAB - ah. Not "LOW"
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Wednesday, Dec 4th, 2024 ~ Jay Silverman
This is my second Jay Silverman puzzle this year, AND yet another 15 x 16 grid on a Wednesday . . . . The "4LWs" outnumbered the TLWs today, just a handful of names - but I knew them - and no circles. On to the reveal first;
41A. Speedy meal option, and what the answers to the starred clues literally are?: FAST FOOD
18A. *Speedy dinner option?: INSTANT RAMEN
66A. *Speedy beverage option?: BRISK ICED TEA - a tad meh; I usually think "brisk" means chilly, bracing, refreshing - but there's more here
12D. *Speedy breakfast option?: QUICK GRITS
31D. *Speedy side dish option?: MINUTE RICE
And Away We Go~!
1. Whisky, e.g.: SCOTCH
7. Business entities: FIRMS
12. HSN alternative: QVC
15. Santa's laugh: HO-HO-HO - a timely clue; three weeks til Christmas~!
16. Wide open: AGAPE - I started with APART, but thought better of it
17. Dubai's fed.: UAE - United Arab Emirates
20. __-at-ease: ILL
21. Prefix with natal: NEO - neonatal
22. Bodies of water: SEAS
23. Didn't make the team's final roster: GOT CUT
25. Somewhat ruddy: REDDISH
28. Tools for fall guys?: RAKES - Har-har
29. Pop in for a scene, say: CAMEO
36. Wistful sound: SIGH - I have been doing a lot of this lately
40. Forever, figuratively: EON
44. Texter's "No clue": IDK - I Don't Know - Ozzy & Randy can tell you more . . . .
47. Tidy: NEAT - ah, our friend Tinbeni took his 1A. this way . . . .
48. Strength of character: METTLE - I'm into Heavy Mettle
50. Wall Street figure: TRADER
52. Checked out before a heist: CASED - usually with "the joint"
53. Suffix with home or farm: STEAD - homestead, farmstead
55. Moisturizer target: DRY SKIN - AND - 30D. Ingredient in some 55-Across treatments: ALOE
59. Skeptical about: WARY OF - like maybe my humor~?
61. "Just joshing!": "I KID~!" - I really do~!
62. Pampering place: SPA
65. Japanese sash: OBI
70. __-A-Fella Records: Jay-Z label: ROC - not the extinct bird
71. Goose-bumps-causing: EERIE
72. Minolta partner: KONICA - not just high-end cameras - their Wiki
73. Mama deer: DOE
74. Pedometer units: STEPS - I did a lot of dog walking while visiting my brother on Thanksgiving - his fiancée has an Australian Shepherd, and I want a dog now~!
1. Lower leg: SHIN - or CALF~? Had to wait on perps
2. Gelato receptacle: CONE
3. Exceedingly: OH SO
4. Little one: TOT - little tater
5. Drive away: CHASE OFF
6. Made sharper: HONED
7. Iranian tongue: FARSI
8. Polish tennis star Swiatek: IGA - recently busted for doping - probably before the puzzle was submitted for publication - her Wiki
10. Video file format: MPEG - Moving Picture Experts Group - the format's website here
11. Spanish title: SEÑORA
13. Hold in esteem: VALUE
14. Boston NBA team, colloquially: CELTS - the Celtics - not a basketball fan, at all
19. Bit: TAD
24. Scuba necessity: TANK - I am thinking about installing an in-wall TANK for fish
25. NFL flag thrower: REF
27. "Les Misérables" novelist Victor: HUGO
29. Included on an email: CCed
33. Yorke of Radiohead: THOM - Not a fan; the only song I know from them is "Creep"
35. __ dollar: SAND
36. Comic strip reporter Brenda: STARR - I did not know it was a movie with Brooke Shields
38. Not busy: IDLE - Dah~! not FREE
39. List of appts.: SKED - abbr for schedule
42. Beginning of an idea: SEED - I had the "seed" for a song in a dream last week - what I heard was the lyric "the horses in the barn"
43. Opt for: DECIDE ON
46. Dentist's procedure: X-RAY
49. Khaki kin: TAN
51. Some haciendas: ADOBES - I never actually read up on what a 'hacienda' really is - the Wiki
53. Excalibur, for one: SWORD
54. Beyond discouraged: TABOO
56. "Jeepers!": "YIKES~!"
57. Hit the slopes: SKI
58. Sneakers, informally: KICKS
60. Guitar part: FRET - body, neck, and head work, too
62. __ the pot: STIR - I have to restrain myself from "stirring the pot" at work
63. Brief kiss: PECK
64. Smallish batteries: AAAs - anything smaller, and we're into hearing aid/watch batteries
67. Wrath: IRE
68. Small intake: SIP
69. CSI sample: DNA